We Are All Just Walking Each Other Home;

a photo story by Taylor Cotilla and Kristin Moore, business partners and best friends.

In a world that seems to be moving at the speed of light, where demands are ceaseless, and time feels like an ever-elusive treasure, there is one truth that we must hold close to our hearts: the power of staying connected to each other.

In the photography project, We Are All Just Walking Each Other Home, a story about friendship, Taylor Cotilla and Kristin Moore wanted to capture the bond that exists between women at all stages of their friendships. Some of the women in the project have been friends for close to 30 years, while others met more recently in their neighborhood, at a book club, or at a job that they all wanted to leave. No matter what the story was one thing was clear, our connections with other women are not just valuable; they are indispensable.

They offer a safe haven, a lifeline during difficult times, and a source of joy during moments of celebration.

Ram Dass's quote, "We are all just walking each other home," reminds us of the profound interconnectedness that underlies these relationships. As we walk the winding path of life, the companionship and support of our female friends illuminate our journey and make it all the more meaningful. The importance of friendships with other women transcends age, culture, and circumstance, enriching our lives and reminding us that we are never truly alone on this shared voyage.